GA3 浸种对大白杜鹃种子萌发的影响

黄承玲1,2, 周洪英1,2, 陈训3,*, 高贵龙3
1 贵州大学林学院, 贵阳550025; 2 贵州省植物园, 贵阳550004; 3 贵州科学院, 贵阳550001

通信作者:陈训;E-mail:;Tel: 0851-5812465

摘 要:

用不同浓度的GA3浸种大白杜鹃种子并测定其萌发结果表明, 不同浓度GA3处理均能增强大白杜鹃种子活力, 极显著提高种子发芽率和发芽势, 其中500 mg·L-1 GA3浸种处理的效果最明显。GA3处理使种子的可溶性蛋白质含量降低, MDA含量下降, 而SOD、POD 和CAT 活性增强。这表明GA3 浸种后能增强抗氧化酶的活性, 降低膜脂过氧化程度, 从而促进种子提前萌发

关键词:大白杜鹃; GA3; 浸种; 萌发

收稿:2010-03-03   修定:2010-05-21

资助:贵州省重大科技攻关项目( 黔科合重大专项字[2007]6005)和国家农业成果转化课题(2007GB2F200289)。

Effects of GA3 Immersion on Germination of Seeds in Rhododendron decorum Franch.

HUANG Cheng-Ling1,2, ZHOU Hong-Ying1,2, CHEN Xun3,*, GAO Gui-Long3
1Forestry College of Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; 3Guizhou Academy of Science, Guiyang 550001, China

Corresponding author: CHEN Xun; E-mail:; Tel: 0851-5812465


To understand the influencing mechanism of GA3 on seed germination of Rhododendron decorum Franch., the seeds were soaked in solutions with different GA3 concentrations. The results showed that all treatments could enhance the activity of seeds and improve the rate of germination, especially treated with 500 mg·L-1 GA3, which had the rate of germination improved remarkably, the contents of soluble protein and MDA decreased, while the activities of SOD, POD and CAT from the seeds increased. It indicated that after soaked with GA3 the seeds enhanced the activity of antioxidant enzymes and decreased the membrane lipid peroxidation.

Key words: Rhododendron decorum Franch.; GA3; seed immersion; germination

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